The committee took under consideration 95 journals whose statement of needs was submitted via SUES web form by 19th May 2022 noon, when the evaluation process started. New queries are received after this date but will be processed later, if a new round is possible. Two important points should be made: (1) not all journals and publishers asked for financial support, (2) journals often asked for broader support exceeding the financial capacities of SUES.
The evaluation was conducted iteratively, according to the criteria reflecting the general principles of SUES and ensure that the help will go to the journals in need, planning a wider cooperation with SUES partners: journal’s history, recent issues, open access policy/plans, presence in journal indexes, location in regions directly affected by the war, interest in further cooperation, expression of needs. Given the capacity of the programme, the committee prioritised individual journal submissions instead of university submissions (with an exception of Luhansk).
The top 10 list journals presented below will receive scholarships :
Collected scientific works of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (English version:
Founded in 1994, with 4 issues per year, the journal is peer-reviewed and in open-access on their website. Their focus includes these fields of research : applied mechanics, science of material, sector machine building, heat power engineering, etc.
Since 1996, the journal publishes peer-reviewed original research and review articles across all aspects of up-to-date education. The journal publishes manuscripts in the following basic areas: educational policies, initial and continuing teacher training, experimental education, etc.
From the archives of the VUChK–GPU–NKVD–KGB
Since 1994, highlights little-known pages of Ukrainian history, studying the problems of state terror of the Soviet period as well as to publish documents from the archives of secret services. In open access, published twice a year.
Proceeding of Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences
Since 1898, publishes two issues a year, in open access, on medical issues and currenty research.
Scientific journals of the State Institution «Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University» | The websites :,,,,
Since 1995, published four times a year in open access, wirth the main rubrics covering the fields of philosophy, history, religious studies and other areas of social and humanitarian sciences.
Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing
Since 1998, with four issues a year in open access, aims at developing professional sociological knowledge and academic expertise through the publication of outstanding articles and the reports on the results of advanced innovative research on social issues and processes in contemporary sociology.
Technical sciences and technology
Since 2015, publishes 4 issues a year in open access, on theoretical and experimental research in the specialties: applied mechanics, materials science, mechanical engineering, etc.
The Scientific Notes of the Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Literature Studies.
Since 1997, publishes scientific articles on literature studies and critics.
Since 1925, publishes exclusive translations of world classics and contemporary works of literature, covering different aspects of cultural, artistic, social and political life in all parts of the world.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Rémy Ienco (28 juin 2022). Ten scholarly journals in Ukraine selected to receive financial support from the SUES program. Support to Ukrainian editorial staff - Soutien à l'édition savante en Ukraine. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse