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Full list of supported journals

As summer reaches its end, the scientific committee delivered the full list of Ukrainian journals the SUES program will be able to help. From social sciences to biology or technologies, many scholarly fields are represented.

The committee took under consideration 114 journals whose statement of needs was submitted via SUES web form by the end of June. The goal was to add 35 new journals to the list of ten already published during the crowdfunding campaign. The evaluation was conducted iteratively, according to the criteria reflecting the general principles of SUES, especially ensuring that the help will go to the journals in need, and planning a wider cooperation with SUES partners. We took into consideration the journal’s history, recent issues, open access policy/plans, presence in journal indexes, location in regions directly affected by the war, interest in further cooperation with SUES partners, expression of needs. We also acknowledged that also journals from regions not directly affected need support, hence we tried to ensure that the funding reaches as many institutions as possible. The choice was extremely difficult given the circumstances and general quality of the journals.

Press release
1S1VSESVITISSN 0320-8370
2S2Collection of scientific papers CONTEMPORARY ARTISSN: 2309-8813 (Print), e-ISSN: 2663-0362
3S5The Scientific Notes of the Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Literature Studies.ISSN 2312-1068 (Print), ISSN 2312-1076 (Online)
4S7Access to Justice in Eastern Europe2663-0575
5S10Skhid (East)1728-9343 (Print) 2411-3093 (Online)
6S11Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy.ISSN 2311-2409
7S12Scientific journals of the State Institution “Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University”2227-2844, 2227-2747, 1817-3772, 2227-2631, 2415-721X
8S13Odesa Medical JournalISSN 2226-2008
9S14Scientific and Practical Journal “Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture”; Scientific and Informational Journal “Metal studies and metal thermal treatment”2710-0367 Print, 2710-0375 Online; 2413-7405
10S15Collection of scientific works of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport1994-7852
11S16The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy National University is the publisher of 17 scientific journals
12S17Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex SystemsISSN 2415-3761 (Online), ISSN 2307-4515 (Print)
13S19Art Platform2708-5317
14S21Environmental Problems2414-5955 (print) 2522-4417 (online)
15S22Issues of literary studiesISSN 2306-2908
16S23Proceedings of Shevchenko  Scientific Society. Medical Sciences2708-8634
17S24East European Historical BulletinISSN 2519-058X (Print); ISSN 2664-2735 (Online)
18S30Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (32 Bulletins)Each Bulletin has individual ISSN.
19S31Technical sciences and technologies2411-5363
20S35Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing1563-3713 (print), 2663-5143 (online)
21S36The Publishing House of the State University “Zhytomyr Polytechnics”2706-5847 : 2664-245Х : 1994-1749 : 2707-9325
22S37East European Journal of Psycholinguistics2312-3265
23S41From the archives of the VUChK–GPU–NKVD–KGBISSN 2313-5883
24S44Educational Challengese-ISSN 2709-7986 (Online)
25S46The Bulletin of the National Univerity of Defense of UkraineISSN  2617-6858  (print) ISSN  2617-6866  (online)
26S47Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports; Physical Education of Students2664-9837; 2308-7250
27S48|«Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control»ISSN 1607-3274 (print), ISSN 2313-688X (on-line).
28S49Journals of the Chaikovskyi National Musical Academy of UkraineISSN 2414-052X, ISSN 2522-4204 (online), ISSN 2522-4220 (online), ISSN 2520-2510 (online)
29S52Bulletin of the Kyiv National Lingustics University. Philology SeriesISSN 2415-7333 (Print), ISSN 2311-0821 (Online)
30S55Educational DimensionISSN 2708-4604; e-ISSN 2708-4612
31S59Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University”. Series: Historical Sciences2663-5984 (Print), 2663-5992 (Online)
32S68Слово і Час/ The Word and TimeISSN 0236-1477 (print);  ISSN 2707-0557 (online)
33S69Publishing House “Dukh and Litera” (The Spirit and the Letter LLC)n.a.
34S72Advanced Education2410-8286 (Online), 2409-3351 (Print)
35S73Cognition, communication, discourse.  Series “Philology”ISSN 2218-2926
36S77Kremenets Comparative Studies2311-262X
37S95Zaslavsky Publishing Housen.a.
38S97Biosystems DiversityISSN 2519-8513; e-ISSN 2520-2529
39S100Information Technologies and Learning ToolsISSN 2076-8184
40S106International Scientific Journal of Universities and Leadership2520-6702
41S107The Facets of HistoryISSN 2708-0692 (Print); ISSN 2708-1249 (Online)
42S109Technology Center multiple journals1.Technology audit and production reserves – ISSN 2706-5448 (Online), ISSN 2664-9969 (Print); 2. ScienceRise: Medical Science – ISSN 2519-4798 (Online), ISSN 2519-478X (Print); 3. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education – ISSN 2519-4984 (Online), ISSN 2519-4976 (Print); 4. ScienceRise: Biological Science – ISSN 2519-8025 (Online), ISSN 2519-8017 (Print); 5. ScienceRise: Juridical Science – ISSN 2523-4153 (Online), ISSN 2523-4145 (Print)
43S112Bulletin of the Criminal Law of Ukraine AssociationISSN 2311-9640 (online)
44S113Scientific journals of Kharkiv National Medical University1.1. print ISSN 2414-4495, online ISSN 2710-1444; 1.2. print ISSN 2414-4517, online ISSN 2710-1487; 1.3. online ISSN 2409-9988; 1.4. print ISSN 2663-0885, online ISSN 2710-1495; 2. Scientific journals of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Health: 2.1. print ISSN 2707-9279, online ISSN 2707-9287
45S114Library Forum: theory and Practice2518-7341

The Scientific Committee expresses its awe for the diversity and quality of Ukrainian scholarly journals. We are also deeply indebted to institutions and individuals who generously supported the crowdfunding campaign

The current SUES actions are a temporary measure and a pilot programme for a more sustainable action. We call upon the European Commission and ministries of science of the European countries to provide funds for a more comprehensive support programme. The SUES team is open for discussing the further expansion of this programme with funding institutions.

Press release

Press release, June 30th 2022

Successful campaign to support Ukrainian university publishing and first exchanges

As a result of the support campaign organised by the European initiative SUES (Support to Ukrainian editorial staff)/SESU (Support to Scholarly Publishing in Ukraine), 45 scientific journals and publishers will receive support totalling over €73,000. The campaign also initiated exchanges between publishing professionals in Europe and Ukraine.
SUES is an initiative of European institutions, infrastructures, organisations and French scientific publishing professionals. It was formed in March 2022 to support scientific communication in Ukraine by providing assistance to academic journals and publishers. One of the objectives is to enable these structures to continue their editorial activities despite the war context.
A crowdfunding campaign was launched on May the 6th, 2022, the results of which have exceeded all expectations: by the closing date of June the 24th, more than 73,000 euros had been raised, thanks to the contributions of 157 donors, individuals and organisations, from all over the world (the initial goal was to obtain 16,500 euros, in order to support about ten journals).
To the 118 donations (for a total amount of more than 20,000 euros), collected through crowdfunding launched on the Wemakeit platform, made mainly by individuals, but also from some major public institutions, associations, learned societies and publishers, were added those made by Knowledge Unlatched/Wiley, from the community of publishers and University libraries (36,000 euros, more than 38 donors). Finally, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research has decided to donate an additional 16,500 euros, through its National Fund for Open Science (FNSO), to support 10 additional journals, shared in open access in Ukraine.
This funding will be distributed among 45 Ukrainian scientific journals and publishers. The latter had applied following a survey circulated in May 2022 by SUES, which aimed to gain a better understanding of the Ukrainian scientific publishing landscape, establish contacts with stakeholders, and determine their most urgent needs. The applications were examined by a scientific committee (composition of editorial committees, evaluation procedures, editorial quality, distribution methods), and 45 of them were selected for this first campaign. The Committee took care to take into account the diversity of the disciplines represented.
This funding campaign was accompanied by contacts with representatives of these journals, leading to exchanges and the production of videos. It was followed by the creation of a blog that will keep the community informed of the project’s progress and by the organisation of webinars bringing together European scientific publishers. Beyond the financial aspects, it seems essential to continue the dialogue initiated during this campaign between publishing professionals in Europe and Ukraine.

Communiqué de presse, 30 juin 2022

Une campagne de soutien à l’édition universitaire ukrainienne fructueuse et des premiers échanges tissés

Suite à la campagne de soutien organisée par l’initiative européenne SUES (Support to Ukrainian editorial staff)/SESU (Soutien à l’édition savante en Ukraine), 45 revues et éditeurs scientifiques recevront une aide, pour un montant total de plus de 73 000 euros. Cette campagne a également permis d’initier des échanges entre professionnels de l’édition en Europe et en Ukraine.

Le SUES est une initiative d’institutions, d’infrastructures, d’organisations européennes et de professionnels de l’édition scientifique française. Il s’est constitué en mars 2022 pour soutenir la communication scientifique en Ukraine en apportant une aide aux revues savantes et aux éditeurs universitaires. L’un des objectifs est de permettre à ces structures de poursuivre leurs activités éditoriales malgré le contexte de guerre.

Une campagne de financement participatif a été lancée le 6 mai 2022, dont les fruits ont dépassé toute attente : à sa date de clôture, le 24 juin, plus de 73 000 euros ont été recueillis, grâce aux contributions de 157 donateurs, individuels et organisations, du monde entier (le pari était initialement d’obtenir 16 500 euros, pour soutenir une dizaine de revues).

Aux 118 dons (pour un montant total de plus de 20 000 euros), recueillis par le crowdfunding lancé sur la plateforme Wemakeit, effectués pour l’essentiel par des particuliers, mais aussi venus de quelques grandes institutions publiques, d’associations, de sociétés savantes, d’éditeurs, se sont ajoutés ceux apportés par Knowledge Unlatched/Wiley, issus de la communauté des éditeurs et bibliothèques universitaires (36 000 euros, plus de 38 donateurs). Enfin, le ministère français de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche a décidé de donner 16 500 euros supplémentaires, par l’intermédiaire de son Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO), pour soutenir 10 revues supplémentaires, diffusées en accès ouvert en Ukraine. 

Cette somme sera répartie entre 45 revues et éditeurs scientifiques ukrainiens. Ces derniers avaient déposé une demande suite à l’enquête diffusée en mai 2022 par le SUES, qui visait à mieux connaître le paysage de l’édition scientifique ukrainienne, à établir des contacts avec des acteurs de celle-ci, et à déterminer leurs besoins les plus urgents. Les demandes ont été examinées par un comité scientifique (composition des comités éditoriaux, procédures d’évaluation, qualité éditoriale, modes de diffusion), et 45 d’entre elles ont été retenues pour cette première campagne. Le Comité a veillé à tenir compte de la diversité des disciplines représentées.

Cette campagne de financement a été accompagnée de prises de contacts avec des représentants de ces revues, donnant lieu à des échanges et à la production de vidéos. Elle s’est prolongée par la création d’un blog qui permettra d’informer la communauté des suites de ce projet et par l’organisation de webinaires rassemblant des éditeurs scientifiques européens. Au-delà des aspects financiers, il paraît en effet primordial de poursuivre le dialogue initié lors de cette campagne entre des professionnels de l’édition en Europe et en Ukraine. 

The war in Ukraine is impacting our colleagues in scholarly publishing – We set up the Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff program to provide editorial staff in Ukraine with the help they need

Les institutions donatrices sont mentionnées dans la liste ci-dessous. La liste des donateurs individuels est présente sur la plateforme Wemakeit, sauf s’ils ont choisi de rester anonyme.

Thank you to our 157 donors who provided 73 000 euros to support 45 scientific journals and publishers in Ukraine

On the 24th of June, we could finally close our crowdfunding campaign and do the accounts: thanks to the amazing generosity of 157 donors, individuals and organisations from all parts of the world, we could manage to collect more than 73 000 euros in total, which will give us the possibility to support financially around 45 journals. This is way beyond our initial target and expectation which was 16 500 euros to support 10 journals!

How was it managed? First we opened a campaign on the crowdfunding platform Wemakeit where we collected more than 20 000 euros from 118 donors, mostly individuals. Then, we were contacted by Sven Fund from Knowledge Unlatched/Wiley who proposed to help collecting funding from the publishers and libraries community. All in all, KU collected 36 000 euros more from 38 donors. Finally, we received the wonderful news that the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research decided to give 16 500 euros more through its Open Science National Fund to support 10 more open access journals in Ukraine !

In the name of the SUES and SESU committees, we would like to express our gratitude to the 157 donors, individuals and organisations who made this possible. And to all those who gave their best to share the information and encourage others to participate. You will find below the list of organisations who participated. The list of individual donors can be found on Wemakeit platform. Some chose not to disclose their identity. Thank you to them as well.

List of donors (organisations):

  • Academic Studies Press
  • Amherst College Press
  • Association of European University Presses
  • Berner Fachhochschule Department Wirtschaft
  • C.H. Beck
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • CNRS – Direction des données ouvertes de la recherche
  • Collège de France
  • Davidson College
  • Dickinson College
  • Duke University Press
  • éditions érès
  • Emerald Group Publishing
  • Florida State University Libraries
  • FMSH – Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover/TIB Hannover (University of Hannover)
  • Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Instytut Badań Literackich PAN
  • King’s College London
  • Knowledge Unlatched
  • La Trobe University
  • Lexis
  • Munipress
  • National Fund for Open Science (France)
  • OAPEN Library & DOAB
  • Oberlin College
  • Revue d’histoire diplomatique
  • Rice University
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library)
  • SUNY Press
  • The British Library
  • Universitätsbibliothek Bern (University of Berne)
  • Université de Bordeaux Montaigne
  • University of Bath
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Oregon
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of York
  • Wesleyan University
  • Wiley
  • Wilfrid Laurier University
  • York St John University
  • Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) / Zurich University of Applied Sciences